Sunday, February 10, 2008

throw up is gross

But I should be used to it by now huh? Haha, well Johanna only threw up the 1st night and 2nd day she was home, but then tonight about 1 hour after I put her down to bed, there it went... puke.. EVERYWHERE! Poor baby. But she has been doing really well with not throwing up considering im not giving her the reglin and zantac. Im not a doctor, but I don't feel like Johanna needs that crap in her body. She did fine without it, only tonight I might have given her too much. Which is another problem, she never seems to be full. She's almost 9 pounds and eats 105ish mls every 3 hours but still seems to be hungry. I don't know if im giving her enough or not, I know she is gaining weight but don't know if its enough


Janelle said...

wow 9 lbs..she is making up for lost time..thats great..but puke isnt have to do what you think is best for her..good luck with the vomit..give her kisses for sean and family..we are off to our first Doctor appt this morning...put new pics up..he is really cute

Anonymous said...

Hey there to hear about Lilana :( hope she is ok...I know her parents must be on pins and needles.

As for Johanna's the unit we use a formula of 180 mls/kg/day this is the amount we use after the 6th day of life..otherwise we plug in different numbers. We take this amt ie; 13kgx24 and divide it by the hours being fed(q 3 or q4) and this number is what we say per she still taking 22 calorie neosure?

As well, stopping the zantac and reglan...did you taper down on these meds or just stop giving them? I am not sure if you have to taper them, please ask your pediatrician about it. He may just suggest changing her formula to an eaiser digestible one...remember that neosure comes with consitpation at may want to ask the pedi.

Sounds like things are going well aside these q's that you have not had to call me yet, but you can you know :)

Take care missing you both!