Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Buh Bye ROP

Yup, thats right. Johanna had her forst eye exam today. when she was discharged they said she had mild ROP and that it may or may not correct itself. Well today, her eye doc said it did, he said her eyes are perfect! broke my heart to hear her scream, but it was necessary. Also, Johanna got to see the lunar eclipse tonight. it was beautiful. There wont be another one til 2010, so i am glad i got to share that moment with her


Will and Julia's Mommy said...

This is such great news! Yay! :-)

Janelle said...

Sean going for that test this morning..thanks for the hint on the screaming..think i will stay in the waiting room..I am a big woos..I hope all is better for you today..I can listen without opinion if you need to talk..