Saturday, January 12, 2008

yay!...for now

Doubt is not a pleasant condition but certainty is an absurd one.

so i just called the hospital and i got news. johanna is at room temp. her spo2 level is 21%. next step s just gettin rid of that canula. I feel awful though. i want to be happy about this but ive had the experience of getting my hopes and then being broughten right back down. i dont want to doubt that achievements Johanna has made. im just scared. scared that the next day i will be told that no, infact they had to change something back, or that they're sorry and no, she isnt progressing. im in constant fear of bad news. and this is awful, because instead of doubting everything she is fighting for, im doubting her ability to continue doing so. im so glad that she is doing well, i just have to learn to snap out of being to scared. fear doesnt help anything...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hey!! im glad to hear shes doing well. Dont worry so much,i know that i cant tell you i know how you feel, but your a strong person, we both know this. Pretty soon you and Fernando and JOhanna will be home together. patience. well im glad to hear that your going back to school, im proud of you for that, see? Even when you thought you were not going to go back to school, your little angel has inspired you to do so. You did tell me that a few nurses have also made an impresion on you to become a nurse. Be thankful they came into your life. everything happens for a reason. I hope to see you around Delta, if you ever need anything, you have my number

Rachel, and Rizzo sends his best too! Give Johanna a kiss for us!