Friday, January 4, 2008

today was good...

before the cool done run out i'll be givin it my bestest and nothin's gonna stop me but divine intervention,there's no need to complicate our time is short this is our fate, i'm yours ...

it seems as though Johanna knows that its time to come home, at least i would like to think so. its just that i want to bring her home soo bad, i wanna be her full time mommy, not just for 2 hours during the day, if that. oh its just frustrating, but she is doing well, she continues to put on weight and do well. S he is 3 months 1 week and 3 days old. big girl status, she will have teeth when she comes home!! im slightly concerned about her vomitting togh, she pretty much does about once every day, as far as i know, she hasnt today, but then again i havent made my nightly call, so i guess ill see...

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